Susanne partnered with 198 Contemporary Arts and Learning, UK, to stage a new exhibition ‘Slippage: the Caribbean in Flux’ with new bodies of work by four of the most exciting emerging contemporary artists from Jamaica and Trinidad. The aim of the exhibition is to challenge thinking in ideas around historical memory, contemporary identity, (not)belonging, and the possibilities that alternative histories/stories hold for the cultural imagination in post plantation societies.
By presenting specific bodies of work by these four artists, Greg Bailey, Camille Chedda, Marisa Willoughby Holland and Rodell Warner, working in a variety of mediums, and in these ideas, we can interrogate the work in context to their slippage from the traditional practices of portraiture and historical archive, in the use of the self and the body, and the archives of the region, to articulate societal issues in the specificity of post plantation societies in the Caribbean.
The slippage occurs in the oscillation between attempts to define ourselves and our experiences within a rigid and dominant ideological traditional practice through Western art history which is still prevalent in the art education in the Caribbean.
November 18 - December 24, 2022

Presenting Jamaican works from private collections and estates.
November, 2021

Ammoy Smith
November, 2021

T'waunii Sinclair
October, 2021

Alan Zion Johnson
27 October - 10 November, 2020
Jamaica-based gallerist Susanne Fredricks aka Suzie Wong, in partnership with non profit 198 Contemporary Arts and Learning, London, presented Required Reading, an showcasing of work by two Jamaican artists, Leasho Johnson and Monique Gilpin. Both artists engage with issues of identity, particularly as they relate to the black body – its objectification, its wounds, its power and the unrelenting tensions of reconstructing and navigating identity in a post plantation society and economy. The presentation draws on the discourse of Jamaican-born cultural theorist Stuart Hall, particularly his important essay 'Cultural Identity and Diaspora', and his investigation into the processes of 'being' and 'becoming', and how these dynamics work in visual culture.
June, 2018

Suzie Wong Presents launched New Works by contemporary Jamaican artist Leasho Johnson. Over 70% works sold within the first week,
and to date 90% are sold.
'Themes and variations', 2014
Gallerist statement: Although David Boxer has played a central role in establishing a history of Jamaican art through exhibitions, publications and the development of the collections of the National Gallery of Jamaica as a distinguished art historian and curator, it is in his own artistic practice that he has and continues to create seminal bodies of work which explore and articulate a very particular Jamaican and Caribbean aesthetic.
Initially concerned with more existential themes Boxer’s work has evolved using specifically Caribbean themes of oppression, conflict, slavery and genocide and their social and personal implications in his ‘Taino’ and ‘The Passage’ Series, as well as his ‘Black Book’ Series. Other Series he has created include the ‘Homme’, the ‘Self’, ‘Crucifixion’, ‘Mythology’, ‘Music’, and ‘Dialogue with Artists’ Series, all of which work as a mirror reflection of the man himself; his interests, his passions, his ability to articulate the spectrum of human pain and passion. In his work, Boxer has assimilated such influences as surrealism, a post Cuban gestural abstraction and a vigorous tastiche mode of handling paint. His work pulses with some of the anxiety of Francis Bacon, the romanticism of Joseph Cornell, and an interest in myth, archaeology and the spiritual, especially in relation to subjects such as slavery and Jamaica’s colonial past.
By working with the theme’ Variations and Themes’ Boxer has used one of his central concepts to pull together a body of ‘Variation’ works which all relate to the many themes of his work throughout the past 50 years. The exhibition serves to create an overview of his artistic passions, illustrated through ‘Variation’ works, which are a powerful and passionate testament to what has defined him as an artist and as a man of his generation.
November 2014